Saturday, August 10, 2013

New Phone! Motorola Razr M

So, it's been a while, I guess. But, I've been up to quite a lot. I've officially gotten a new job that pays better than my last one. I'll be working as a customer service rep for a travel agency. If you've got reward points that you want to exchange for a plane ticket, call me! I start September 3rd. I feel pretty awesome since I aced my interview.

Anyway, I also got a new phone, as you've obviously deduced from my not so deceptive title for this post. It's the Motorola Razr M and I've only had it for a day. But, I really like it so far. I also really liked the process for getting it. I hopped online, compared phones, picked it out (and it was free!), then I went and picked it up from the store less than an hour later. That's pretty awesome. Especially since I needed a new phone desperately, so my new job can contact me.

I'm actually in the middle of customizing it with all the different widgets and apps right now. I'm just a bit OCD so I have to have my apps organized or I'll go nuts.

Speaking of going nuts, I think Snowfire is a just a bit crazy for attention. She's lying atop my arms, kneading my shirt, and rolling around, rubbing her face against mine and against my arms. She's purring nonstop and altogether doing everything she can think of to make me stop typing and pet her. Brb while I give in to her adorable kitty-cat wiles! <3

Is it kind of sad that I've written more about the phone than the fact that I got a new job? Are my priorities mixed up? I don't know, maybe. Well, I'll let you guys know how I like the job when I actually start, and I'll keep you updated on how well the phone stacks against previous phones for me. So far, it's way better than the iPhone 4.

Live long and prosper!

P.S. Here's a picture of Snowfire.

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