Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What's Your Favorite Scary Movie?

Pardon me for the cheesy caption line, there are some temptations you just can't resist. But, seriously? What's your favorite scary movie? When I was younger, I loved scary movies, they were easily my favorite genre. Luckily for me, I happened to have a friend who liked them as well and had a ton of them. The dramatic music, heaps of gore, and piss your pants moments just gave me the chills and always made for a fun night of trying to sleep. I liked to watch the good stuff too. The Shining, Stephen King's It, Red Rose, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, stuff that has cult followings now. I mean, come on, a movie about a guy who kills people in their dreams? That's a pretty good way to keep people up all night.

Lately, it feels like movies haven't been as scary as they used to be. I was starting to think that maybe I was just too old to get scared by make-believe anymore. The shock factor just didn't shock me anymore. Which brings me to the reason that I'm typing this blog up at four in the morning. I saw The Conjuring tonight. The movie had me jumping, squealing, biting my boyfriend's arm, and even screaming every once in a while. It's the first scary movie I've seen in a while that made me genuinely feel like I might piss my pants. You know what that made me realize? Scary movies don't have much shock value anymore. Most of them are all about suspense and no action. When you go see a scary movie these days and the dramatic music comes on, you tense up, preparing yourself for something that's gonna make you cry for your mommy, and it never comes.

It's gotten to the point that movies have trained us to expect to be let down... which is why The Conjuring is so scary. It's the first movie I've seen in a while that actually plays the dramatic music and then something freaky happens. All the movies I've seen before it have managed to make it even scarier due to the fact that, even though I'm preparing myself for a piss my pants moment, I don't really expect one. Well, The Conjuring says 'screw that' and jumps off the top of a wardrobe at you!

The movie was very refreshing amongst all the pseudo-documentaries and more-suspense-than-horror movies I've seen lately. I'm honestly quite tired of the pseudo-documentaries ones. Sometimes, when you try too hard to make something seem real, it all just seems that much more fake. But, what do you guys think? What's your favorite scary movie? If you've seen The Conjuring, what did you think? Feel free to let me know!

P.S. The Conjuring is apparently based on a true story. Call me silly, but I didn't know that until the end. Eeek!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ramblings of an Insomniac

What exactly is love? Why do we crave it? We have these brains that we're born with that generate enough thoughts to entertain us for a life time, so why do we need someone else? Do we really need someone else? Is love real or is it just a delusion our mind creates as another form of entertainment? Another thing I don't understand is why people stay in abusive relationships. People are generally selfish, it's unavoidable, and we're sort of programmed to put survival above everything else. Wouldn't that mean that as soon as a relationship turned abusive, we'd get the hell out of there?

Well, before anyone gets any silly ideas, I'm not in an abusive relationship. I'm actually in a very loving one, but that doesn't mean I really understand any of it. Maybe I never will. As for the comment about people being generally selfish, it's not really a bad thing. It's like a built in safety switch. We need to be selfish because we need to put our own matters first so that they're taken care of. It's much easier to help someone else out if you don't need anything. For instance, say you have a friend that's really short on cash and has some serious bills coming up. You know they'll pay you back and that they're reliable. You really want to help them. You can only help them if your own bills are taken care of. What if you get evicted for missing your rent because they couldn't pay you back fast enough?Then your friend will most likely just feel like utter crap cause they totally screwed up your credit, and made you homeless.

Wow, I'm being rather depressing. But, I don't know, sometimes I just think about these things and I suppose writing it down might be helpful?

On a random, sort of weird note, I had a terrible nightmare. It was really scary while I was actually in it, but then I woke up and told my boyfriend all about it and it sounded pretty silly... but it was terrifying for me. So, I had moved into this new apartment and I was going to pick up a few friends so they could come over for dinner for the first time. I stopped at my friends and freaking Daniel Radcliffe and Tom Felton were there! I was super excited, but then they just seemed like regular people and meeting them lost the novelty. So, I took my friends back to my new place and my sister came over. I was gonna make spaghetti. Then one of my neighbors named Ella came over to welcome me and sort of invited herself in to eat dinner with us, which was really weird and kind of rude.

One of my friends felt like something was strange about her and started keeping an eye on her and realized that she was a part of this cannibalistic cult and that she was planning to kill my friends and I and drag us back to her posse to be eaten by them as soon as the spaghetti was finished. My friend told me and at first I didn't believe him but then she attacked us and we all escaped via go-carts. We went back to my friend's house and we were all freaking out at first, but then we calmed down and went to bed. The next day, I went to this really cool recreation center with my friend and my sister. They had this awesome wall to wall pool on the lower level and you could climb the walls.

Anyway, there was this medical convention going on upstairs where they were showing off all these new medical techniques and giving away free shots. There was even one booth where a horse was giving shots to people. I have no idea why that was in my head. So, my sister decided that she need this shot that were giving at this booth for people who wanted to go to Africa. Though she wasn't planning on going to Africa. But, I recognized some of them as being a part of the Ella's cannibalistic cult and told my sister not to take the shot, but she didn't believe me. My sister never believes me. So, I went to find my friend so that we could hopefully convince my sister otherwise and leave.

On my way to find my friend, I started noticing people just falling dead all over the place and some jumping from extreme heights to their death. So I found my friend and told her what was going on. She didn't believe me and jumped from the wall she'd been climbing into the pool. But she landed next to a dead body and freaked out. The climbing mats that made up the walls around the pool started falling into the water too, so my friend and I began walking on top of them towards the stairs. We didn't want to swim because there were a lot of dead bodies in the pool. We were almost at the stairs when my foot slipped and touched a body. We moved the mat out of the way and found my sister's body because the cult people had killed her.

We left the rec center and I was crying as I called the police from a payphone and then my parents and then my brother who lives in Iowa. He drove all the way down to stay with me at my new apartment for the night. When we got to the apartment my lock was gone and I told my landlord about the lock and the cult people. She told me they could fix the lock tomorrow and to just ask the cult people to leave me alone. Cause of course that would work. I woke up as my brother and I were trying to find a way to secure the door and Ella was coming down the hall to get me.

It was a really screwed up nightmare. I still can't believe a horse was giving people shots.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Book Teaser!

So, I think I mentioned before that I might give you guys a little taste of the book that I'm currently working on. I'm going to keep my word on that. A little fun fact for the side, I might be starting a project with a friend of mine. I'll write and she'll illustrate, but we'll come up with the general story together. I'll let you guys know more about that if it happens. But, without further adieu, the prologue for When Alice Falls. If you want more after you read, feel free to comment and I might post a chapter or two.


Some fairytales don’t start with a ‘Once upon a time,’ and they don’t always end with a ‘Happily ever after,’ either. Some fairytales start like any other day. Simple and quiet or loud and chaotic if that’s the way your life is. Some fairytales start with a girl lying asleep in her bed, unaware of anything that is yet to come. Her long black hair lays flared out on her pillows as she tosses and turns. Her sleeping shirt lays rolled halfway up her stomach and her blankets tangled around her legs. The air conditioning in her room doesn’t work as well as it does in the rest of the house, so there isn’t much to keep the August heat at bay.
Somehow, she still manages to sleep peacefully as her small, lithe form stretches out, searching for the cool bits of sheet. The early morning light creeps in through her open curtains and illuminates her pale skin that almost glows without it. The light reaches its fingers further as the sun begins to rise. Glorious shades of pink and orange slice through the pale blue of the sky, casting odd shadows in the girl’s room. Around her are all of her dearest possessions, most of them old and tattered, but well loved. Her room looks like that of any normal teenager. Clothes are thrown haphazardly and books scattered everywhere.
She has no idea that somewhere, in another world, there are people discussing her. They talk of her in hushed voices and close whispers. They daren’t believe the task she must complete. For, it is not one that any of them would take on lightly. But, all the while, she is just a girl without the slightest clue of who she truly is. She is like anyone else in the world in that way. Then she wakes to the sound of her mother’s voice calling up the stairs… And that is how this fairytale begins, with a girl named Alice having no idea who she is.


Dreams and Crossroads

It's amazing how dreams change so fast. One minute your goal is to be one thing, the next minute it's something else. Yet your interests don't necessarily change. I still love books and I still love to write, but I also love police work. When I was a little girl, whenever I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said "A Police woman." I was so proud whenever I gave that answer too. Even though most kids gave the same answer at that age, I felt I was the only one who was serious about it. Then, later in elementary school, I discovered books and I just knew that whatever I decided to be when I grew up, it had to deal with books and words. I felt that way all the way through the rest of elementary school, middle school, and into high school until I started a book series that involved police work and I remembered my first dream. I suddenly rekindled my passion for the cliched fight between good and evil, investigations, etc. But I still loved everything to do with English. I still do.

So, now I'm at a crossroads. I'm almost done with my general ed classes. Should I go into Criminal Justice or English? Become a Homicide Detective or an English professor? Or just concentrate on writing my first novel and trying to get it published? So hard to choose and not nearly enough time. Sometimes I think it would be easier if I had a billion different interests. I could just pick the one I liked best. It's so much harder when I have two main paths I want to follow that I'm equally passionate about. It's harder still since my two choices have pretty much nothing to do with each other. There's no real room for compromise or any way to combine them. So, I have to choose, but I'm not sure if I know how. Which one is the right choice? Which one will make me the happiest? What's a girl to do when she's all grown up, facing her future, and it's all up to her? Le sigh~

New Phone! Motorola Razr M

So, it's been a while, I guess. But, I've been up to quite a lot. I've officially gotten a new job that pays better than my last one. I'll be working as a customer service rep for a travel agency. If you've got reward points that you want to exchange for a plane ticket, call me! I start September 3rd. I feel pretty awesome since I aced my interview.

Anyway, I also got a new phone, as you've obviously deduced from my not so deceptive title for this post. It's the Motorola Razr M and I've only had it for a day. But, I really like it so far. I also really liked the process for getting it. I hopped online, compared phones, picked it out (and it was free!), then I went and picked it up from the store less than an hour later. That's pretty awesome. Especially since I needed a new phone desperately, so my new job can contact me.

I'm actually in the middle of customizing it with all the different widgets and apps right now. I'm just a bit OCD so I have to have my apps organized or I'll go nuts.

Speaking of going nuts, I think Snowfire is a just a bit crazy for attention. She's lying atop my arms, kneading my shirt, and rolling around, rubbing her face against mine and against my arms. She's purring nonstop and altogether doing everything she can think of to make me stop typing and pet her. Brb while I give in to her adorable kitty-cat wiles! <3

Is it kind of sad that I've written more about the phone than the fact that I got a new job? Are my priorities mixed up? I don't know, maybe. Well, I'll let you guys know how I like the job when I actually start, and I'll keep you updated on how well the phone stacks against previous phones for me. So far, it's way better than the iPhone 4.

Live long and prosper!

P.S. Here's a picture of Snowfire.