Saturday, August 10, 2013

Dreams and Crossroads

It's amazing how dreams change so fast. One minute your goal is to be one thing, the next minute it's something else. Yet your interests don't necessarily change. I still love books and I still love to write, but I also love police work. When I was a little girl, whenever I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said "A Police woman." I was so proud whenever I gave that answer too. Even though most kids gave the same answer at that age, I felt I was the only one who was serious about it. Then, later in elementary school, I discovered books and I just knew that whatever I decided to be when I grew up, it had to deal with books and words. I felt that way all the way through the rest of elementary school, middle school, and into high school until I started a book series that involved police work and I remembered my first dream. I suddenly rekindled my passion for the cliched fight between good and evil, investigations, etc. But I still loved everything to do with English. I still do.

So, now I'm at a crossroads. I'm almost done with my general ed classes. Should I go into Criminal Justice or English? Become a Homicide Detective or an English professor? Or just concentrate on writing my first novel and trying to get it published? So hard to choose and not nearly enough time. Sometimes I think it would be easier if I had a billion different interests. I could just pick the one I liked best. It's so much harder when I have two main paths I want to follow that I'm equally passionate about. It's harder still since my two choices have pretty much nothing to do with each other. There's no real room for compromise or any way to combine them. So, I have to choose, but I'm not sure if I know how. Which one is the right choice? Which one will make me the happiest? What's a girl to do when she's all grown up, facing her future, and it's all up to her? Le sigh~

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